July 20, 2022

Beosin and CrossSpace have entered into a strategic partnership

Beosin is pleased to announce that we have entered into a strategic partnership with CrossSpace, the social networking and Soulbound NFT system for participants to build their influence and connect with global communities in Web3.

We are beyond excited to announce that Beosin and CrossSpace have entered into a strategic partnership, combining CrossSpace’s strong experience in connecting & expanding communities with Beosin’s expertise in Web3 security.

Together, working as a team, Beosin and CrossSpace will bring security education and training sessions to all Web3 participants, project teams and communities, jointly making our contribution to the Web3 ecosystem.

With this strategic partnership, Beosin will bring professional trainings on Smart contracts audit and blockchain security to CrossSpace’s communities. CrossSpace and Beosin will also co-organize security related AMAs and Hackathons to facilitate the adoption of security solutions for more projects. On the other hand, CrossSpace will help promote Beosin’s leading security brand to more projects and communities with our continuous effort in expanding footprints in all parts of the world.

About Beosin

Beosin is a Web3 security company headquartered in Singapore, with 100+ team members and 85% of technical staff. It has over 40 engineers, security researchers, and analysts with Ph.D. and postdoc degrees. Beosin offers a comprehensive suite of security products and services covering smart contract and blockchain security auditing, blockchain transaction monitoring and risk alert, cryptocurrency tracing, and KYT and AML. It has audited over 2,000 smart contracts and over 100 blockchain platforms globally. Its Tracing service has helped investors recover hundreds of millions of stolen cryptos, including those laundered through Tornado Cash.

About CrossSpace

CrossSpace is the social networking and Soulbound NFT system for participants to build their influence and connect with global communities in Web3. Our vision is to elevate the experience of social connection by creating an infrastructure that facilitates reputation and connects next billion users in Web3.


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