Web3 Security and Data Analytics Platform

Provide the most decision-valuable data to VASPs, VCs, and project teams, helping customers better understand Web3 business opportunities and potential risks.


Flexibly manage crypto asset risks and establish comprehensive compliance to meet global crypto asset regulations.

Deposit risk assessment
Scientifically assess if deposit funds involve risks, avoid illegal money contamination
Withdrawal risk assessment
Scientifically assess if withdrawal funds involve risks, promptly adjust strategies to reduce reputation loss
EOA address risk assessment
Fully assess address history to understand real identity and potential risks
Token risk assessment
Comprehensively evaluate risks across dimensions like contract code, business logic, trading restrictions, entity identity security, etc.
Malicious address query
Query address and entity risk tags like malicious addresses, sanctions, commercial blacklists, etc.
VASP query
Query address and entity VASP tags to better execute travel rules.
100 million+ of VASP data for better travel rules execution
1 billion+ of labeled address data for understandable on-chain behavior
Auto cross-chain swap analysis to reveal hidden risks
Industry-leading full-token risk discovery models to eliminate blind spots
Proprietary contract risk assessment models
Flexible risk strategy templates to easily meet compliance policies worldwide
Enterprise customization services
A plan that meets your needs

Trusted by hundreds of industry leaders

Partnered Crypto Exchanges

Partnered Blockchain Ecosystems

Renowned Audited Projects

Partnered Universities & Organizations

RegTech Clients

Business Partners