October 31, 2022

Beosin Blockchain Security Monthly Recap of October: $980.04M lost in attacks

According to the monitoring of Beosin EagleEye, in October 2022, the number of various security incidents and the amount involved increased significantly compared with September. 25 typical security incidents occurred in October, among which the total loss amount of attack security incidents was about $980.04 million, which is about 5.97 times of the loss amount in September. October was the month with the highest amount of losses in the blockchain sector since 2022.

According to Beosin’s security team, there were a lot of attacks in the DeFi space this month, with 11 incidents with a single loss of more than $1 million, including two security incidents with losses of more than $100 million. The official BNB Chain cross-chain bridge attack this month involved a huge amount of money, and wallet security was also a key concern this month, with a total of three typical security incidents.

Compared with last month, the types of projects attacked this month are more diverse, and it is recommended that all types of projects should do a good job of security protection. Wallet security incidents and private key leaks increased this month. It is recommended that both projects and users should focus on the security of signature services, protect private keys, standardize operations, use third-party tools or components carefully, and do not click on links from unknown sources. This month, 60% of the attacks still came from contract vulnerability exploitation, so it is recommended to seek security audit from professional companies before the project goes online.


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