February 10, 2022

Beosin’s Analysis: DEGO is Hacked Due to Suspected Private Key Compromise

The private key of multiple addresses were compromised, and hackers drained the assets on multiple chains.

Take ETH as an example.

The Deployer address of DEGO Finance is:


The hacker’s address:


The hacker minted 592,582.35 DEGO tokens to the Deployer account of DEGO and 0x118 account respectively via private key:

Then removed the liquidity of the ETH-DEGO trading pool:

The hacker obtained 269,502 DEGO tokens and 378 ETH by removing liquidity from the Deployer account.

Then the 378 ETH obtained by the Deployer account was transferred to the 0x118 address.

At the same time, the hacker transferred 441 yvWETH originally belonged to the project’s address to the 0x118 address.

At this time, there were 757.4 (371.6+378.75+7.10) ETHs in the 0x118 account.

As of this writing, all the stolen assets still remained on the 0x118 address and have not been transferred out.



Beosin will continue to monitor this address.

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